Tag Archives: Education


Following its educational program providing support and opportunities for students to gain experience both in research and proper professional skills, the ALSAR Foundation, during the period January-May of this year, has continued implementation of the development opportunities program \ to carry out the teaching practicum for the Faculty of Social Sciences students, aiming at students gaining administrative experience and professional training, making them more competent for the labor market, while accomplishing at the same time a mandatory element for the university in this field.

To fulfillment of this program, a cooperation agreement has been signed between the ALSAR Foundation and the Faculty of Social Sciences, through which, students were able to conduct the teaching practicum. In this framework, regarding social care to orphans’ projects implementation, during the period November-December, their engagement and activation in the administrative training and qualification aspect is being followed up in full coordination with the Department of Social Work and Social Policy.


In continuation of its educational activity, the “ALSAR” Foundation, on April 26, held at Tirana International Hotel the ceremony of “Awarding scholarships to 150 excellent students”, by implementing for the fourth year in a row such supporting and encouraging program to help outstanding students, which aims at providing new opportunities to them, so that they can expand their knowledge, develop skills and advance with their vocational training even by motivating them in terms of moral, material and academic assistance.

Representatives of the accredited diplomatic corps of our country, the Dean of History and Philology Faculty, Prof. Dr. Sabri Laçi, lecturers, directors of civil society organizations, excellent students and parents of students’ beneficiaries of this scholarship took part in the ceremony.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

The “ALSAR” Foundation’s Head, Mr. Mehdi Gurra, opened the ceremony, who after greeting the participants, spoke about the Foundation’s activity regarding the field of education of the Albanian youth, especially about the outstanding ones, to whom the Foundation has provided academic support and encouragement. He presented some interesting figures in his speech.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

“In four years, the “ALSAR” Foundation has awarded over 400 scholarships to the excellent students, with a progressive growth year by year. The indicators of its expectation have been ever increasing. The number of student beneficiaries in 2014 has been 25, whilst during this academic year, their number has reached to 150 students, thanks to the support and encouragement of our partners.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    


Number of student beneficiaries by faculty:                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Faculty of Law – 18 students; Faculty of Natural Sciences – 20 students; Faculty of Economics– 15 students; Faculty of Medicine – 36 students; Faculty of Social Sciences – 35 students; Faculty of History and Philology – 26 students.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

The Foundation is not only periodically interested in these students, but also aims to contribute somehow with skill improvement programs and projects such as: “Start your career now”, “Under the scope of volunteering”; “Friends of the book”; “Meeting personalities”, in turning students’ attention towards volunteering projects, group work, and critical thinking as the best mechanisms of cultural and vocational training to increase their intellectual and social engagement.

The organization of such educational activity over the years is made possible through the generous support of Turkish partner institutions, which are amongst the most concrete and eminent examples of benevolence, friendship and strategic alliance that the people and state of Turkey towards Albania. This is an indisputable and proven truth in all aspects!

By now, this program is considered one of the main and strategic projects of the “ALSAR” Foundation, and has hence turned into a tradition of values, pursued and enrichened over the years,” so the Head of the Foundation, Mehdi Gurra, concluded his speech.

Afterwards, the participants were greeted by the Dean of History and Philology Faculty, Prof. Dr. Sabri Laçi, who praised the varied activity of the “ALSAR” Foundation in the field of education, not only by awarding study scholarships, but also by organizing projects to improve the education infrastructure in public schools and their furnishing with material and didactic equipment, as a valuable contribution to the society and by highlighting that investing in education is the most sustainable investment of today and the future of the country. At the conclusion of this ceremony, the 150 attending students were offered the cheques of the first installment of the encouragement scholarships for 2015.



In fulfillment of its educational program, the “ALSAR” Foundation continues to provide in today’s society the necessary consultancy to the students who are interested in pursuing their studies in Turkey.

On these terms, meetings were held with the with high school seniors of “Havzi Nela” and Bido Sejko” high schools in Kukës and Konispol respectively. The aim of these meetings was to introduce the students with the study scholarships programs allocated free of charge by schools in Turkey.

Considering the favorable conditions and the contemporary standards of Turkish universities, the interest and will to be part of this program was strong.


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We live in a society with high levels of criminality that is the result of a lack of religious education and of the fact that religion is not taught in high school within the official educational system. That is why it is important to undertake personal initiatives to teach religious lessons. Thus, in June “ALSAR” Foundation organized and developed the project of summer religious courses. This activity aims at reviving traditional values, as well as educating the new generation of the Albanian society about the Islamic ethical, moral, and spiritual values.
 In organizational terms, it is worth mentioning that all the procedures of program planning have been undertaken all and the teaching process consists of three main stages:

• Program-planning based on special purposes, depending on the subject;
• Teaching intertwined with useful contemporary methods;
• Periodic assessment of students’ knowledge through exams prepared by the Educational Department of “ALSAR” Foundation.
In geographic terms, these courses are mainly run in the northern, central, and south-eastern areas of the country. 10 courses involving the participation of 500 students have taken place in three districts

The syllabus of this project aims at educating the new generation of the Albanian society, through teaching these subjects:
• Gaining knowledge on religion;
• Basic knowledge of Islamic religion;
• Learning how to read the Holy Quran in the Arabic language and memorizing its last 20 Surahs.

The students received the relevant textbooks free of charge in order to facilitate the teaching process of these subjects.



Having a 3-year experience, “ALSAR” Foundation has continued the provision of tailoring courses, which are of high demand in the labor market, in order to provide qualification opportunities and professional skills to the mothers of orphan children.

This professional skills program has been of great interest for 50 mothers who have benefitted from the theoretical and practical program focusing on cutting and sewing, but at the same time, they have been able to sustain their families by giving them different items, such as clothes tailored and designed by them.

The ceremony of displaying the very professionally sewn clothes by the skilled students of the tailoring course was held in an amicable atmosphere. The students have by now turned into skilled professionals ready to be integrated in the labor market. It was a successful conclusion of this activity on the occasion of the termination of this program.



The Turkish language teaching program for the students of this area has run regularly during the period January-May of this year, responding to their interest to extending the horizon of culture and knowledge in foreign languages. This has been considered as a great opportunity for all the interested children and students of this area, who through this project will be provided with opportunities and optimal education alternatives of contemporary and international standards to pursue their high school or university studies in Turkey.

The implementation of this project is yet another successful cooperation between “ALSAR” Foundation and the Municipality of Konispol. The course is provided for free and a professional teacher is assigned to work with this age group by employing contemporary methods blended with audio-visual programs, to make these courses more appealing and to facilitate the effective knowledge absorption. At the end of this program, the students of the two groups sat for a final exam, which assessed their knowledge, were awarded certificates.

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