Anyone may find oneself in a difficult situation, which might have to do with a relative passing out, different medicine reactions, or uncontrollable bleeding. Only a very few people know how to react to these situations, which except from being not pleasurable at all, seriously jeopardize the life of our relatives, friends, etc. In these cases, it is essential for some quick medical aid to be provided as soon as possible.
In this context, in the ALSAR Foundation conference room, the Medicine Department students, who are excellence scholarship beneficiaries, conducted a training activity regarding the importance of giving first aid in any circumstance and situation required and community awareness raising in this regard.
During their presentation on the topic “How and when to give first aid”, they made illustrations through techniques and concrete examples for the people present. They shed light upon the first aid regarding how to give it to the sick or the wounded person on a scene, on transport means and in the respective health institution. Through this aid, the direct avoidance of dangerous causes, that worsen the sick or wounded person’s health condition, is aimed.
The “saver” in this case must keep in mind and follow the basic principles of giving first aid and consider it as a human and legal obligation towards all those who in a certain situation have their lives in danger.
In all these cases, the saver, who gives the first aid, must be calm, moderate, conscious and the main thing is that he/she must have quality overall knowledge.
In conclusion, the participating students evaluated the activity, stating that every one of them might be a lifesaver, feeling more confident in themselves for the way of giving first aid.