Providing its modest efforts on the cultural and spiritual enrichment of the Albanian society and leaving an important legacy for the future generations, “ALSAR” Foundation has been carrying out a very intensive publishing activity for 11 years now. These activities in the publishing field during this period have been focused on the publication and the republishing of the following works:
No. | Publication title | Author | Circulation |
1. | “Report on the Activities of ALSAR Foundation” for the second semi-annual of 2017. | “ALSAR” Foundation |
1,000 copies |
2. | “Kombiar” Calendar speeches | “ALSAR” Foundation | 1,000 copies |
3. | “The inexistent sea issue, a Greek or Albanian diplomatic intrigue?” | Shaban Murati | 1,000 copies |
4. | Success does not happen by accident | Dario Hani | 500 copies |
5. | Ottoman historical works found in al-Quds. (Leaflet) | “ALSAR” Foundation | 1,000 copies |
6. | From Isra to Mescidi Aksa (Leaflet) | “ALSAR” Foundation | 1,000 copies |
- “ALSAR” Foundation: “Report on the Activities of ALSAR Foundation” for the second semi-annual of 2017.
“ALSAR” Publication, Tirana 2018, 260 pages.
The informational report published in two languages – Albanian and English –provides an overview of the activities organized by “ALSAR” Foundation for the period July – December 2017.
- “Kombiar” Calendar speeches:
“ALSAR” Publication, Tirana 2018, 210 pages.
- Shaban Murati: “The inexistent sea issue, a Greek or Albanian diplomatic intrigue?”
“ALSAR” Publication, Tirana 2018, 232 pages.
Ambassador Shaban Murati’s book, “The inexistent sea issue, a Greek or Albanian diplomatic intrigue?” covers one of the mostly disputed and complicated Greek-Albanian relationship’s issues in the last ten years. In a complete research study from the diplomatic, political and historical viewpoint, the author analyzeds the sea issue as one of the most critical and complicated issues of contemporary relationships between Albania and Greece.
The author elaborates the wrong negotiation processmethodology employed by the Albanian diplomacy and addresses this methodology, which led to a disadvantageous agreement to the Albania’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. A separate chapter of the bookanalyzedsthe unexplainable haste and the incompetence of the Albanian diplomacy that has negotiated the sea issue between the two countries and has concluded the sea agreement in less than a year, which shows a political haste and a strategy for agreement conclusion to the detriment of Albania.
In a separate chapter, the book elaborates the wrong anti-constitutional and anti-historical attitudes of the MoFA and the government, that signed the sea agreement, which, in order to justify the fact that they extensively tolerated the other party at the expense of the county’s territorial integrity, espoused the Greek’s ideas, and hence this gave rise to an inexistent sea border between the two countries. The author brings a great number of historical documents, treaties and international agreements related to Albania’s borders, so as to prove that the sea and land borders have been demarcated as obligatory by the Great Powers during 1913-1926. He presented new documents by the archive of the MoFA of Albania, which prove that in the previous bilateral agreements on different issues between Albania and Greece, both countries had admitted the existence and recognition of the sea border between them.
The main chapter is dedicated to the new diplomatic conflict that came into between the two countries after the Constitutional Court annulled the sea agreement. This chapter analyzes Greece’s efforts to force the implementation of annulled agreement, so as to renegotiate it with the same subject matter, which was previously declared null by the Court, with the purpose of revising some coordinates and returning Albania some square kilometers from a surface area of 350 kilometers, which the 2009 agreement foresaw.
The author draws the conclusion that the sea issue between the two countries is an artificial one, inexistent, because the sea border issue between the two countries has never existed and never will. The book is of interest as a guide for the sea borders negotiations that different countries might have with one another, especially with Greece.
- Dario Hani: “Success does not happen by accident”
“ALSAR” Publication, Tirana 2018, 68 pages
This is a book written by a young man for the youth, but with the mature style of an experienced author. The energy that Dario transmits in this booklet, trying not to neglect discipline, research and continuous work, especially with himself, which comprise the basis of any discipline. It seems that he has grasped the essence of Albanian business challenge, which is doing business in a cultivated way.
What Dario offers is not just how to do business to increase revenues, also doing business as a means of growing personally and socially. It is a call to view business the way it is in its essence- a social giving and taking.
- “ALSAR” Foundation: “Ottoman historical works found in Al-Quds”. (Leaflet )
“ALSAR” Publication, Tirana 2018,
- “ALSAR” Foundation: “From Isra to Mescidi Aksa”. (Leaflet)
“ALSAR” Publication, Tirana 2018,